
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

*** Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ***

Being a proponent of wipe-then-wash, Ayah uses quite a sum of tissue in daily life. One at the toilet, one at the car, one at the cube, one in the luggage, etc. And being a frugal shopper, Ayah would try to find the cheapest ever tissues on the aisle - it's going to "that" place anyway, doesn't matter whether T*sco Value tissues or IK*A colourful napkins.

But, not anymore. Ayah now digs a certain brand of tissue box.

It's compact, travel- packed, nice to see, small for your car. But, that's not the only reasons. Thanks to Ummi who pointed it out, when Ayah done with the tissues, the box's images can be cut into flash cards for Adi. So it goes, that the first series are fruits and flowers. Now, the second series are Looney Tunes.

Saves money (on flash cards, not the *ahem*tissues*ahem*) and it's kinda like recycling too! Woohoo! Talk about being green, huh?

*Pic is taken with, guess what, the laptop's webcam. Quick and easy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Married PJJ (Perkahwinan Jarak Jauh) is no small feat, although its becoming more common nowadays. Notwithstanding that, when Ayah was working in Penang, it's kinda routine for Ayah to fly to Labuan (baru kawin la, katakan hehe..) And with Ai*asia around, why pay more? KL - Labuan used to have 2 flights per day for Ai*asia - one in the morning, and one in the evening. Until it is reduced to one flight per day, at 7.35 am! Now everybody can fly, except that it's damn early in the morning!

With not many choices left, Ayah usually takes Penang - KL flight at night, and then catch the Labuan's flight tomorrow morning. So, where to stay that night? First time Ayah pulled an overnighter, it was at L*CT. Remember, this is way before L*CT is expanded. Sardine-packed. The chairs that are flat enough to sleep is made of steel, so it's chilly to the bones at night. The chairs that are of fabrics and plastics are curvy to sit, but not comfortable to sleep. (Nice combinations, right?) Scenes of families and backpackers lying down mattresses are aplenty. And picture this, imagine only 3 restrooms serving those huge masses.

Yet, what can they do? It's supposed to be a cargo terminal, after all. Why would they throw money into a temporary place, when they have a new one in construction? To overnight at LCCT, to me, was really a horrible choice.

Then, the following trips, Ayah explored other options. What if Ayah go sleep in K*IA airport? Better, perhaps? So, Ayah asked around and got to know that there's a bus running to and fro LC*T to K*IA (buses folks call it MTB for Main Terminal Building. L*CT is a part of K*IA.) So, Ayah took the bus to MTB and there you go, flat fabrics long benches at every floors, waiting for people to sleep on them. The toilets are also much much cleaner. The only disadvantage of K*IA over LCCT is that the frequent announcements of flights, not like LC*T where there's no flight at midnights till mornings, but Ayah is OK with that.

So, the RM3 for the buses (now it's RM4) in exchange of nice overnighter at K*IA, is definitely worth it. If Ayah feels like it, Ayah brings a laptop, open and Wi-Fi around for a while before sleep.

Wi-Fi limited to 2 hours only = Cost- saving measurement?

Anyhow, Ayah has shares of memories of being an overnighter. One time, when Ayah was at B*rger King, enjoying late dinner, a long line of foreigners appeared in queue. It's really really a long line, towards the exit door. Guarding them, are R*LA officers and police. Oh, it's a line of illegal immigrants that were going to be sent to the PATI depoh rupanya. Wow, with these many, I wonder how many moolah has our Government spends to feed them at the depoh.

There was one time, a group of Indians that went for dakwah in Tawau, boarded the same bus with Ayah from LC*T to KLIA, to catch their flights back to India the next morning. Ayah ushered them to the nearest benches in front of surau while practising the teeny weeny bits of Urdu vocabs with them. It made them happy and talked back to Ayah like Ayah was a native speaker, until they realize that Ayah's command in Urdu is very very poor. Asking them to make doa for Ayah, we parted our ways.

Talking about poor command, there was an incident when Ayah was using the laptop in LCCT, that a Vietn*mese guy came asking politely, if he can 'borrow' the power outlet for awhile to charge his cellphone. Behind him, were 2 Vietn*mese girls, probably 'tumpang sekaki' since they were shy to ask. Idle times when they were charging their phones, made Ayah struck a small conversation in English, like "where you're from", "who are these ladies", "cuti ke?"etc. Realizing that his Malay and English were not that good, Ayah has to play guessing games on what he's trying to say. Better than being quiet, at least.

Ok, this is getting too long, and it's 1.30 already. Guess Ayah should pack up and look for empty benches to sleep now, and catch the flight tomorrow morning. Good night!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Gaya yang kuries dan hepi...

** Gaya Adi **

Gaya Ninja?

Tukar cara sikat sekali- sekala...

Serupa ke?

Kopiah ayah yang over-sized...gaya Smurfie...

** Curious Adi **

"Mak ayah aku ni, asyik makan je kerjanye..."

"Ni pun nak makan jugak?"

(Jangan tak tau, ini la belangkas, yang selalu orang sebut dalam pepatah tu.)

** Happy Adi **

Happy moments with my Tok Ma!

Happy moments with my toy!

Happy moments with my Ayah!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Kalau nak dilayan perasaan...

Pagi tadi, hantar Ummi dengan Adi pergi airport. Flight Labuan pukul 7.35 pagi. Kena keluar rumah pukul 4.30 - 4.45 pagi. Ayah bawak kereta tak laju, kena la keluar awal. Nak subuh, nak sarapan lagi.

Ada la beberapa kawan, yang kira 'respek' la "wife hang keja jauh- jauh, boleh bawak anak lagi", "hang dok 'bujang' sengsorang makan sendiri, basuh baju sendiri", "sanggup hang noo, tiap- tiap bulan pi Labuan naik flight" dan macam- macam lagi.

Tipu sangat la, kalau Ayah kata, Ayah tak terasa-hati/pilu/sedih bila membaca blog- blog keluarga yang lain. Weekend, boleh bawak anak isteri jalan- jalan kat taman bunga la, shopping complex la. Maknya pulak, ada yang buat projek masak ni la, projek jahit tu la, untuk anak masing- masing. Cuti umum, satu famili naik kereta, boleh pergi pantai la, balik kampung la, cuba kedai fast food yang baru bukak la. Dan seterusnya.

Balik dari opis, Ayah bukak TV. Pasang kuat- kuat nak bagi rumah bising, walhal pada hakikatnya tetap sunyi sebab takde gelak ketawa dan tangisan Adi. Malam- malam pulak, kalau disuruh pilih, sama ada tidur yang kadang- kala terganggu dengan tangisan Adi diselang-seli pujukan Ummi kepada Adi, dengan tidur yang senang tapi sunyi sepi diselangi bunyi kipas di bilik, Ayah tak perlu fikir dua kali. Ayah pilih tidur yang pertama.

Itulah dunia, adatnya kalau nak dilayan perasaan, sampai bila pun kita takkan belajar bersyukur dengan apa yang ada. Resamnya, tengoklah orang- orang yang lagi 'terkebawah' dari kita. Baru kita sedar dengan apa yang kita dah ada, instead of wishy- washy dengan apa yang kita belum ada.

Ada kawan seorang, cikgu sekolah. Kerja di Seri Kembangan. Isterinya cikgu jugak, di Sabah.
"Habis tu, anak demo dok mano?"
"Anok dok Kelate, mak mertua jago. Ana di KL, isteri di Sabah, anak di Kelate. Cinto Tigo Segi."

Sepupu Ayah, kawin dulu dari Ayah, dapat anak pun, awal dari Ayah. Kerja di Kelantan. Isteri, ustazah J-Qaf di Jerantut. Anak dibawa sekali dengan isteri ke Jerantut.
"Menantu dan cucu tak cuba pindah Kelantan?" Saja Ayah bertanya bapak saudara.
"Baru 3 tahun. Cikgu- cikgu J-Qaf ni kontrak 6 tahun. Kalau apply sekarang pun, tak guna. Memang confirm takkan dapat tukar selagi tak habis 6 tahun tu. Lepas 6 tahun, baru boleh mintak. Tu pun, tengok rezeki lah."

Tu, belum masuk cerita kawan- kawan yang belum ada rezeki mendapat anak lagi.

Dan banyak lagi kisah suami- isteri PJJ (Perkahwinan Jarak Jauh) di luar sana, yang Ayah rasa, jauh lagi mencabar dan bermacam- macam. Dunia globalisasi, orang Malaysia bekerja di mana- mana. Dari seorang jurutera di Siberia, ke jururawat di Dubai, hinggalah penyapu sampah di Perth.

Syukur la, walaupun sekarang ni Ummi dan Adi duduk jauh- jauh dari Ayah, Ayah ada rezeki yang insya Allah cukup nak pergi Labuan 2 kali sebulan. Bayangkan, cikgu- cikgu kita di pedalaman yang dah berkahwin, setahun entah berapa kali jumpa anak.

Sekurang- kurangnya syarikat Ummi kerja, biasa dengan pertukaran staff- staff, dan insya Allah tak perlu menunggu tempoh yang begitu lama, sekurang- kurangnya tidak di atas kertas.

Adi ada dengan Ummi, buat temankan Ummi di Labuan. Dan dengan teknologi sekarang, boleh temankan Ayah dengan telefon ke, dengan webcam ke.

Kalau kita berterima kasih dengan apa yang kita dah ada, insya Allah, Allah akan tambahkan apa yang kita belum ada.

Oh well, insya Allah lagi 10 hari, Ummi dan Adi balik Raya Cina pulak.