
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

long weekend huh...

Last weekend was a long weekend for Adi. Friday, Ummi was on leave (P*tr*n*s takes day off on Friday if a public holiday falls on weekend). So, what happened on Friday was, first test of Adi’s going to nursery!

Since Opah was quite occupied with Nyang Tapa’s wedding that Friday, Ummi decided to send Adi to the nursery as a test drive, considering that we are planning to move to Pinggiran after New Year. Time for Adi to stay at the nursery was planned to be until lunchtime, after Ummi finished some errands in Shah Alam, turned out to be only 3 hours. Sent at 8.30, picked up at 11.30. Reason being, Adi was persistent in crying and crying (only to stop during TV commercials, mind you :P) at the nursery. Maybe with unfamiliar people and surroundings. Plus, Ummi is not there. Manja betul anak omak nih. Takpe la, hopefully Adi’s next try this Friday will yield a better result.

Then, Saturday and Sunday were the usual kenduri days. Nyang Tapa’s son reception at Pejabat Daerah Klang. New complex. New hall. Adi’s appetite that day is quite good. Ate a lot and drank a lot too. Funny to see Adi having brain freeze over iced orange drinks hahah! And then another kenduri at SMA Hishamuddin, of Ucu’s friend.

In a sense, they were not the usual days. After the makan- makan finished, Adi’ll follow Ummi and Ayah to go shopping for stuff to bring into our new house. So far, we already booked electric appliances, bedroom set, and mattress. Quite lots of moolah involved, apa kan daya. Bersyukur la at least we bought a finished renovated and extended house. Think of those whose first house is basic, they need to fork lots of money to have it ready for living. Anyway, pray Allah make it easier for us to move this coming New Year.

Then, on Sunday night, Adi turned out to be having fever. 38.9. Adi even vomitted once during the night. Ummi cancelled going to work the next day (Ayah is already on leave on Monday because Exp*rian replaces public holiday on Mondays). When morning arrives, the temperature went down, but we still decided to take Adi to the clinic, since this is the first time he vomitted while in fever. Just to be safe, although it's not that alarming at all. Adi even playing peekaboo before vomitting, so it seems that the fever and the vomitting do not bother him at all. Hero la katakan.

After seeing the doc, to cheer up our hero a bit, we decided to go to SACC to see Upin and Ipin. Yeay! There was a carnival over the weekend, so, like all the characters (and the merchandises of course) were there. Bought some plush toys (which Adi doesn't really appreciate yet), tumbler, and Jom Bersolat book (have to buy since Adi doesn't want to let go). Planning to take a picture with the characters, but the coupons for the pictures were already sold out. Well, even the queue was so long.

Anyhow, although we didn't manage to take a shot with Upin dan Ipin, we have even a better picture. Adi with Opah! Not puppet, this is a real person, the voiceover of Opah. Ummi was so shy to ask, but Hajah Ainon was really 'sporting'. We didn't even ask, she already knew right away when we approached her that we want to take a picture with her. Dah biasa kot.

So, it's a long weekend indeed. From Friday to Monday. Come Tuesday, it's the usual weekdays routine again. But, not next week. Next week, Insya Allah, we'll be in our own house! New surroundings, new neighbours, and new friends for Adi!

Ok la, let's stop for now. Pix later.

Monday, December 6, 2010

awal muharram 1432 H

Hari ni awal muharram 1432H. Public holiday. Takde buat apa sangat pagi ni. Lepas subuh tadi, Ayah layan cerita Lelaki Seterika 2, sambil Ummi dengan Adi kroh kroh. Lepas tu tengahari ni, Adi keluar jenjalan gi Tesco dengan Ummi, Ucu, dan Opah. Atuk pulak kena duty hari ni, makan tinggal la Ayah sensorang di rumah.

Tapi kejap lagi Ayah nak keluar pun, gi cari measuring tape jap. Nak ukur rumah, nanti nak beli perabut semua tu. Insya Allah kita dah nak masuk rumah dah hujung bulan ni. Barang letrik pun dah booking. Ambik 0% installment yang credit card tu senang. Boleh guna duit cash untuk beli barang- barang kecik yang lain. Tinggal tilam dengan bedroom set je tak beli lagi.

Ami Khairul sekeluarga, Tuk Ayah, Mok, dan Nde Nina tengah kat Bandung ni. Hari Ahad pegi, Rabu esok insya Allah balik. Saja Ami Khairul sponsor semua jenjalan cuti- cuti sementara dia tengah tak kerja. Ada ajak Ayah Ummi dengan Adi, tapi takpe lah, sebab cuti dengan cash yang ada nak kena habiskan untuk pindah rumah nanti. Lagipun, baru je awal tahun ni, kita gi Brunei. Setahun dua tahun sekali, pergi obersea cukup la hehe. Next stop, umrah pulak ke.

Nde Nina first time keluar Malaysia. Patutnya tahun lepas dah plan nak gi Indonesia, tapi Tuk Ayah eksiden motor di hospital, so tak jadi le. Nanti dia balik, kita tanya dia apa perasaan keluar negara.

Adi semalam discover satu benda baru - berpusing- pusing boleh buat seseorang tu jadi pening. Tengah tengok katun dengan Ayah kat dalam bilik camne tah, sambil berjalan- jalan dalam bilik tu, agaknya Adi baru perasan boleh pening bila circle jalan tu makin kecik. Pastu suka pulak dok pusing banyak- banyak kali. Tak berenti selagi badan tak hilang balance dan terjatuh. Sampai Ayah pulak jadi risau. Tapi Adik dok gelak je.

Ok la eh, sambung kemudian. Wassalam.