
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Adi's love for food

Yesterday, Ummi had lunch with Ayah & Wan Cu at central market. [Menyibuk mode on] Om nom nom - Bunyi Ayah makan.[Menyibuk mode off]. Even though Ummi has been working at the same place as Wan Cu for about 3 months, this was actually the first time ummi met her. Also, this maybe the last time for Ummi and Ayah to have lunch together as Ayah will move to a new work place soon.

There were a lot of things that Ummi and Wan Cu talked about since we haven't meet each other for quite some time. Ummi asked Wan Cu about Adi's second cousin, Auntie Yan's son. Wan Cu said that he is now 6 month old and just started to eat solid.

This reminds Ummi on Adi's reaction when we first introduce him to solid. Mmg klaka. Even before Adi reach 6 months, he has shown his interest to eat. Tp tak dpt la nak bg mkn kan, we were afraid that is was still early for Adi. When Adi went for his 5 month old jap, Dr. Ho mentioned that we can now give Adi a bit of porridge a day just to get him ready for solid when he reach 6 months. So, about a week before Adi turn 6 months, we gave him his first porridge.

Mmg masa tu Adi tak saba sungguh la nak mkn. He really can't wait for Ummi to feed him until he actually bite the bowl. Mmg sgt la cute kan muka budak kalo tak sabar nak mkn. Kalo org dewasa yg buat gitu, camne rupenye eh?

Even until now, Adi's reaction towards food is still the same. He just love to eat. He can finish off a full bowl of porridge. Kalo org yg suapkan tu mcm slow nak suapkan, Adi mesti menjerit. Even if he just had his meal, he will shout for food  that others are eating. Alhamdulillah Adi's body is slim type mcm Ayah. Even he eats a lot, he is still small and slim. So tak dek la berat sgt nak dukung.

Ummi has been looking for the picture of Adi biting the bowl. Tak jumpe plak. Will ask Ayah if he saves it. Later will post if here.

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