
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Adi's milestone

Ummi intended to Adi's milestone each month in this blog. However, Ummi has been delaying to write about Adi's 2 month old milestone and Adi will be 3 month in 2 weeks time. So, apa yg Ummi masih bole igt:

- In week 5, Adi dah nak start bercakap2 (in Adi's language of course) sikit2. Coming week 6, cooed even more. Now, lagi la bole tahan. Adi usually talk more at night (because he slept more during the day). Ayah kata, Adi kalo dengan Ummi je byk cakap, kalo dengan Ayah tak cakap sgt. Don't worry Ayah, nanti bila Adi dah cakap tak berenti2, Ummi kasi can Ayah sembang ngan Adi eh.
- Adi wants someone to be with him all the time and that person must be within his view. Initially, we usually placed him in front of the TV to make him feel that he is not alone. But we can't do that anymore. Adi is getting smarter now. Even if the TV is on, he'll keep on calling for attention until he sees someone in front of him.
- The last time we weigh him, Adi is already 5kg. Skrg of course dah lebih. Bole tahan lagi la nak pegang dia masa menyusu, kadang2 tu cabaran sket la bila Adi suka buat karate masa nyusu (kaki menendang2, tangan kesana ke mari).
- Adi dah pandai bermanja. Kalo dulu, dah ngantuk letak je tepuk2 bole tido. Skrg ni bila nak tido kene cradle dia, dah tido baru bole letak. Tu pun kadang2 bila dah letak, pandai jaga balik dan mintak angkat.

What else ya? The rest will be updated in his 3 month milestone entry nanti.

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