
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The fat lady sings...

Selepas almost setahun kat S*pura, Ayah decided to move on to another company. Memang agak cepat, baru je join July tahun lepas. July tahun ni, dah nak cabut dah.

To recap, masa dapat tau Adi dah ada dalam perut Ummi, Ayah dah berkira- kira nak pindah ke KL. Satu, dan the most important factor, I want to be there when Adi comes out to the world.

Ayah ada kawan sorang, yang macam situasi sama la. Dia keje Penang, tapi wife di KL, nak beranak. Bila dekat dengan due date, dia pun amik cuti la, tunggu wife dia di KL. Tapi ditakdirkan, tak datang- datang pun bukaan tu. Cuti pun last- last habis. Maka, balik la kawan ni ke Penang, sambung kerja. Tapi, alhamdulillah la beberapa hari lepas tu, wife dia tu admitted pagi, ayah mertua dia call, so terus la kawan ni drive balik KL dari Penang. Sempat la bersama wifenya.

Ayah tak sure Ayah can drive that long. Sejak balik dari US ni, tak pernah langsung drive jauh2. Paling jauh pun, Penang - Alor Setar. Lain pada tu, semua naik bas atau flight. Pun Ayah tak berani amik risiko, buatnya Ayah lambat sampai, Ummi deliver tak lama lepas labour pain? So, Ayah decides, the best is to relocate to KL, at least the possibility is bigger to be at Ummi's side when she's delivering.

Dan banyak lagi faktor lain, macam nak pendekkan trip ke Labuan, instead of Penang - KL - Labuan, jadi KL - Labuan je. Dan jugak July tu ada ijtimak di Nilai, so just nice la Ayah resign and keluar jemaah before Ijtimak. Lepas ijtimak, terus report for duty.

Kat S*pura, Ayah had a shock, how to say, 'culture shock' lah kot.

[Nak tulis banyak- banyak karang, buatnya ada yang terbaca, tak pasal- pasal susah pulak nak dapat recommendation untuk future jobs nanti. Ye lah, bukan nak kata blog ni ramai orang baca, tapi the Net is really a small world. Google crawler tu bila- bila je bole retrieve anything that is written in the websphere. So, kalau ada S*pura staff yang terbaca ni, take with a pinch of salt la, deh. I hope the company improves as the year goes.]
**End of disclaimer**

Moving from a MNC with decades years of maturity, to a local company that is still green in its area. (S*pura memang dah lama kat Malaysia, tapi subsidiary yang Ayah join tu, tak). Baru je ditubuhkan dalam couple of years. Proses banyak tak clearly defined. Bila proses banyak tak clearly define, execution lambat. Banyak la beza yang Ayah tengok. Dari sebesar- besar benda macam company's direction dengan KPI staff, sehinggalah ke sekecik- kecik benda macam staff claims dengan nak booking meeting room. Unnecessary layers of red tapes.

Bukan Ayah je pikir macam tu. Bila tanya kawan- kawan yang join dari MNC lain, pun sama, ramai yang terasa bezanya. Ada yang try nak ubah, tapi ye la, setakat mana small fries macam kita boleh buat, against the big system. Ada yang dah give-up and just adapt and play along the flow. Antara excuses yang Ayah biasa dengar, the company is still young, lots of things need to be done. Betul la tu, I was not hoping that Rome is built in a day, but there are plenty of rooms to build the Rome faster, not at this pace.

Ayah jugak merasa perbezaan MNC where's Malays are minority (team Ayah dulu 1/4 je kot Malay), to a company where Malays are overwhelmingly majority (irony is, manager Ayah is a Chinese, hehe). Entah la, maybe its just me kot. Masa kat Penang, Malay tak ramai, hubungan sesama Melayu ni rapat, tapi bila syarikat banyak Melayu ni, macam longgar sikit. Again, maybe Ayah je kot, yang tak open up, and still dalam bayang- bayang syarikat lama.

Dan banyak lagi faktor lain yang tak dapat diceritakan di sini, sebab private & confidential. Internal factors, external factors, etcetc. Compile all of them, Ayah decides to start job hunting again.

However, I have to admit, the company that I joined last July, dah banyak different at this July. There is a ray of hope. Ada cahaya di hujung terowong. And as fated by joining it, I was able to hold Ummi's hands in the labour room. To hear Adi crying at the first time. To see Adi staring at me while I gave out azan.

So, why not stay?

1. Going back to MNC. Looking at experience, maybe Ayah survives better in MNC kot. Doa la, Ameen.

2. Closer to home (Cyberjaya, yeay!). Our early hunch that software/IT people like Ayah, usually will find his next bowl of rice at Cyberjaya turns out to be true. That's one of the reason we bought a house at middle areas of Klang Valley, instead of northern (macam Gombak), or southern (macam Puchong). Tiada lagi daily trip sejauh Wangsa Maju, merentas KL.

3. 9 am to 5.30 am. Hopefully, can see Adi more in the morning, and can see Adi early in the evening. At least, Ummi and Ayah can look forward to have either of us at home earlier to assist Opah in taking care of Adi.

4. Permanent position. S*pura punye, kontrak 3 tahun. Lepas tu, upon renewal. Tapi, bila dah permanent, notis nak resign jadi 3 bulan la. But then again, dalam IT world, memang tu standard pun.

5. Ummi got to drive herself. Kesian Ummi sekarang ni, kena naik public transport. Selalu delay and unreliable. Memang la lepas ni we'll miss going to office together macam sekarang, and having evening tea dalam keta masa traffic jam petang- petang. Tapi Ayah rasa, lebih selesa bagi Ummi dapat drive sendiri, walaupun kena bayar parking and tol, tapi at least Ummi got more control. Ayah still rasa stucked in jam dalam aircond keta, is better than waiting for Komuter yang tak kunjung tiba, in a station packed like sardin. Kalau reliable, takpe jugak. Ni asyik problem je. NKRA konon.

Harap- harap jodoh Ayah dengan syarikat baru ni tahan lama la. Harap- harapnya biar lagi lama dari M*torola. Harap- harap Ayah happy kerja baru nanti. Harap- harap biar sampai Ayah habis sambung belajar part- time. Ameen.

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